

From DEI Leader to Embezzler: Why Due Diligence Matters

Former Diversity Program Manager at Facebook and Nike Sentenced to Federal Prison for $5 Million Fraud Read more

Global Organizations Guide to 2022

Global Organizations Guide to 2022

Examining risks in key markets - COVID Challenges, Corruption Trends, Supply-Chain Status, and Business Outlook for the New Year Read more

What does the Elizabeth Holmes verdict really mean?

KLINK pulls back the curtain to better understand how well respected, intelligent, individuals are capable of pulling off large-scale fraud. Holmes' wasn't the first and she won't be the last, but there are warning signs that are easy to spot if you know where to look. Read more

Cheers to 20 Years

Cheers to 20 Years

Today, KLINK covers the world and provides cutting edge solutions to clients. Our services include business intelligence, litigation support, due diligence, anti-bribery compliance, and third-party management. Read more

They Come Out in the Daytime During Covid-19

They Come Out in the Daytime During Covid-19

Due diligence is perhaps most known as a process for connecting information with decisionmakers, a way to assure that information about a business or person is available to those charged with taking on investors or others. Read more

The Pandemic and Compliance

The Pandemic and Compliance

COVID-19 continues to have an impact on global business. As companies try and navigate these murky waters, corporate compliance departments are becoming a favored place to cut overhead. This mistake could cost a company far more money than is realized, yet their value is still not understood. Read more

Avoiding Vendor Fraud During COVID-19

Avoiding Vendor Fraud During COVID-19

In the wake of COVID-19 more than 9,000 new companies have been created in China allegedly to provide PPE to the US and other affected areas. Many of these manufacturers and distributors are not legitimate. Read more

Three Compliance Objectives for 2020

Three Compliance Objectives for 2020

A strong compliance program is vital for every organization. Compliance failures can cause financial losses, lost productivity, and create civil and criminal liability. Avoid compliance lapses by adopting these three compliance objectives for 2020. Read more

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: The Whistleblowers' Plight

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: The Whistleblowers' Plight

The venerable anti-fraud group, the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, issues a “Report to the Nations” every year, and it always finds that most workplace fraud is identified and resolved because of a whistleblower’s tip. Read more

CCI Magazine: Mitigating FCPA Risk and Maximizing Opportunities in a Global Economy

CCI Magazine: Mitigating FCPA Risk and Maximizing Opportunities in a Global Economy

Entering new markets requires copious amounts of due diligence. While there are risks of corruption and bribery, Greece offers many intriguing perks. KLINK President and CEO Jeffrey Klink outlines the current opportunities and risks of conducting business in Greece. Read more